Vegan Brioche Recipe

Product   %   Weight
Bread Flour 100 1000g
Salt 2 20g
Sugar 20 200g
Oil 5 50g
Water 55 550g
CL BreadBun 1% 1 10g
Alphase Fresh 100 0.075 0.75g
Dry Yeast 2.5 25g
Natural Vegan Butter Flavor 0.4 4g
Maltogerm 0.1 1g
CL Yellow Color 0.05g 0.5g
Total 1861g
ciabatta recipe


Mix all ingredients in a Planetary Mixer 4 min low speed + 10 min medium speed
1st fermentation None
Dividing Brioche 80g
Resting none
Shaping Bun on bun pan
Proofing 1:30 hour at 25°C and 75% RH. Glazed with Solutec AF Glaze and Shine and topped with Croustimix Fleur de Mais
Baking Bake at 175°C for 16 minutes
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